
The planets influence our daily lives. In the study of astrology we must consider ten planets, starting with the Sun and the Moon, also known as the stars. In addition, there are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The energy of the planets influence our daily lives. That said, it is what we do with this energy that really matter.

Planets recently recognized (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) does not diminish the message of the other planets, but simply widen the spectrum of experience. Many consider the most benevolent of Planets Jupiter, Venus to follow. The Sun, Moon and Mercury also tend to cast a golden glow. On the other side of the coin there is the strong energy of Saturn, followed by the cunning of Mars, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


The planets move at different speeds, some more quickly (the Moon), others more slowly (Pluto), depending on how far away from the sun. Planets faster (the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) are commonly defined Planets interior and speak interiority of the ego. The Social Planets are Jupiter and Saturn, while the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) focus their gaze on the outside world.

Each planet exerts its most powerful energy on the sign it rules. This is also known as the sign of his dignity. There is a second sign by which each planet interacts well, known as the sign of his exaltation. Directly opposite to each sign of the dignity of the Planet is the sign of detriment; This energy of the planet is generally unfavorable. Opposite to the sign of exaltation is the sign of the fall; these planets exhibit a weakened energy. A planet in its natural home (as Mars in Aries) is accidentally dignified and strengthened as a result. Perhaps the planet most important of all is to rule that the Ascendant. For example, those with Venus on the Ascendant will find that Mercury, as ruler of Venus, has considerable influence on their chart.

The movement of planets is framed in the categories fixed, direct or retrograde. A Planet fixed (which will soon be direct or retrograde) brings energy highly focused and meaningful. Even direct Planets exert considerable influence. Planets are retrograde to mix things up. Since they seem to move backwards, these planets produce energy spread and not concentrated. The message of Planets retrograde will be confused and less effective as a result.

The characteristics of a zodiac sign are changed ascendant, the planet that connects the ascending and finally the position of the sign of the planet that dominates it.
For example, a person with Ascending Aries which has its ruling planet, Mars, in Sagittarius will respond to the environment in a little ‘different than another person always Ascending Aries, but having Mars in Scorpio. Similarly, a person with an Aries Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will behave differently than another Ascending Aries who does not have this aspect.